Karl Spreitz

Karl Spreitz scouting locations for the BC FIlm Commission in Stewart, B.C.

Karl Spreitz scouting locations for the BC FIlm Commission in Stewart, B.C.

Online Catalogues

There are two online catalogues of Karl Spreitz’s work. Karl Spreitz and Collaborators Archival Film Collection (2013) features many of his films, essays, transcripts and biographies of Spreitz and his collaborators.  Karl Spreitz Film Collection (2001) has an inventory of his works, a glossary of film terms and information about Spreitz’s work.

More About the Exhibitions

The Karl Spreitz Film Collection at the University of Victoria consists of more than 100 reels of 16mm film in various stages of production. Many of these films were produced by Spreitz in collaboration with other artists and friends such as Colin Browne, Vicky Husband, Anne Mayhew, Michael Morris and Herbert Siebner and are both personal and documentary in nature.

Covering a period of more than three decades, the content of the films describe the working process of local artists, historic events, and political and environmental issues. The collection is of tremendous historic value both in terms of film production in British Columbia, subject matter, and as a partial record of Spreitz’s career.