Our Relations

September 2018 – Closed

Curated by Wyatt Schiefelbein, Young Canada Works Graduate Intern

First Peoples House, UVic Campus 
Lekwungen territory

For hours & location click here

This exhibition focuses on the notion of relationship mîyo-wîcehtowin or good/beautiful relationship. Some pieces tell stories of relationships that have been formed and maintained since the Beginning and which continue to develop to this day. Other pieces show the formation of new relationships based on respect and kinship, while still others reflect the interconnectedness of all things.

By better understanding the ways in which relationships function in our everyday lives, we can learn how to create and maintain mîyo-wîcehtowin on Turtle Island.

Image: The Dance of Life and Death, Abraham Apakark Anghik Ruben, n.d.

We acknowledge the support Young Canada Works at Building Careers in Heritage