Tag Archives: Canada

Dunlands Restaurant & One-Room Dwellings

Gus, "parkdale Cowboy", Frank Pimentel, 1992

Gus, “parkdale Cowboy”, Frank Pimentel, 1992

February 13 – March 1, 2001

Legacy Maltwood (at the Mearns Centre – McPherson Library)

The exhibition features the photography of Frank Pimentel. The series tells the stories of  regular customers at The Dunlands restaurant in Toronto’s west brick building.

I think the restaurant is a place that hasn’t been able to keep up with the way the world has changed, like at a certain point the people decided that it was time to give up. When I look at the work that I’ve done it makes sense that I’ve left the gaps that I have because I’m trying to say something about the place and the people, that the place itself relates to these people and I think that what I mean by that is that they restaurant and the objects there just seem so – I guess the word is pathetic – they’re worn … and they’re not going to get any better.”

-Frank Pimentel, 2001

Take Root in Canada

February 1 – February 8, 2001

Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery

This exhibition is to trace the history of Chinese Canadians in their efforts to take root in Canada.

Canada is a country of immigrants. Some ethnic groups could start a new life easily soon after their arrival in Canada, but some other groups, such as the Chinese immigrants, had to eke out a living before they could establish themselves and integrate into Canadian society.

Oleg Minin: Ex Animo

August 15 – August 30, 2000

Legacy Maltwood (at Mearns Centre – McPherson Library)

This exhibition highlights the development of Oleg Minin’s artistic development over the last six years.

About the Artist: Oleg Minin is an exhibiting Russian-Canadian Artist. He works primarily on oil and canvas. His themes are derived from literary works and Canadian history as well as from the real and abstract.

Victoria, Victoria

June 27 – July 25, 1997

Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery

Two British colonial capital cities: Victoria, Hong Kong, and Victoria, Vancouver Island, were founded within a year of each other. They were therefore for many years twin colonial pillars of the British Empire, marking the eastern and western shores of the Pacific. Hong Kong Island, off the Kowloon Peninsular, was ceded to Britain by China in 1842 after its defeat in the first Opium War. Hudson’s Bay Company chief factor (and later colonial governor) James Douglas brought the first settlers to present day Victoria in 1843.

Victoria, Vancouver Island, ended its free port and colonial status in 1871 when British Columbia joined the Canadian confederation. The Crown Colony of Hong Kong becomes a separate administrative region of the People’s Republic of China this year on July 1st.

To mark this event the Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery presents a series of lithographic reproductions which illustrate the early years of growth and development of Victoria, Hong Kong. Images of Victoria drawn from publications during the same period provide a comparison and context, opening a window into the early life of these two colonial capitals.

Federation of Canadian Artists: 1995

April 30 – May 17, 1995

McPherson Library Gallery

An exhibition of works from selected members of The Federation of Canadian Artists. The Federation of Canadian Artists was a result of the Kingston Arts Conference of 1941, and was founded as a national organization to unite artists, critics and persons interested in art for mutual support in promoting common aims and to assert the creative importance of art in the national and community life of Canada.

Arts from the Arctic

September 11 – October 30, 1994

Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery

Curated by Abraham Anghik Ruben, Canada’s international committee representative.

Arts of the Arctic features contemporary aboriginal art and craft works from Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Lapland, and Russia. The exhibition and its international planning committee were seed funded by UNESCO in recognition of the World Decade for Cultural Development. The purpose of the exhibit program is to present arts of the Arctic people to all of its regions and to other people in the world. There are currently several versions of the exhibition travelling throughout the participating Polar countries.

Arts of the Arctic presents to the public the fascinating diversity of traditional and contemporary arts as they are now practiced. the Ravenstail weavings of Yukon’s Ann Smith vie with colourful prints from baffin Island and decorated knives of the Lapland Sami. The monumental modern bronze forms of Abraham Ruben can be compared to traditional soap stone carvings from Alaska and the small ivory figures from Siberia.

UVic Collects: Recent Acquisitions

April 5 – May 8, 1994 

Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery

This exhibition displays recent acquisitions to the University of Victoria Art Collections and is also a show of appreciation to all those who have donated to the collection.

The collections of the Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery originated in the Victoria College educational art collection started in 1953 by college principal, Dr. W.H. Hickman and the generous international find and decorative arts bequest of John and Katherine Maltwood in 1964. Since that time the holdings have grown to over 10,000 items representing western Canadian art, European and Oriental decorative arts, prints and drawings, and ethnographic arts of the Pacific Rim. The University collections provide an instructional resource for faculty and students at UVic but are also accessible to the general public through our exhibition programs on campus.

Two Centuries of Bookbinding: Materials & Techniques, 1700-1900

November 7 – December 19, 1993

Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery

Organized by The Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild (Touring 1991-94)

Outlines the various stages and processes involved in fine binding and explains the differences between fine and case bindings.

Similar Exhibitions:

Breaking Ground: Photographs by Edward Burtynsky

July 5 – August 30, 1992

Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery

This exhibition focuses on human interaction with the landscape, and how people ave changed their natural surroundings pursuing industrial goals. Edward Burtynsky’s forty-two colour photographs were taken in British Columbia, Ontario, and Alberta, and across the western United States. Breaking Ground focuses on images of railcars, mines, and homesteads. The photographs reveal not only how people have changed the landscape through industry, but also how the landscape is gradually reclaiming the areas that industry has claimed.

Norman Yates: Towards Landspace 1991

March 10 – April 7, 1991

Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery

This exhibit features works by Canadian landscape painter Norman Yates. “Landspace” is a term coined by Yates to describe his experience with and natural affinity for the openness of the Canadian prairies. Yates describes the origins of landspace:

My experience on the land gives me … a notion of space, that is a vision of an expanse of country combined with a feeling of continuous and unbroken extension in every direction – landspace.