Tag Archives: Construction

Constructing Sights in the Workplace

Wandagloves.NEFMay 5 – May 18, 2011

Legacy Maltwood (at Mearns Centre – McPherson Library)

Curated by Dr. Wanda Hurren

This project focused on the aesthetics of workplace construction sites / sights, and featured enlarged and mounted photographs created by the participants of a photo-based research project. Goethe reminds us that “the hardest thing to see is what is in front of our eyes.” Construction sites have become so common that we almost stop noticing them, or when we do notice, it’s often the negative aspects: dust, noise, interruptions to our usual ways of accessing spaces, etc. The featured images will be gathered by construction trade workers and UVic employees working in the MacLaurin Building during a seismic upgrade, and by the researcher/curator for this project, Dr. Wanda Hurren.