Tag Archives: Guest Exhibit

Architecture and Power: The Legislative Buildings of Canada’s Capitals

November 3, 2010 – February 6, 2011

Legacy Art Gallery Downtown

This travelling exhibition on the legislative buildings of Canada’s fourteen capital cities presents the main characteristics of each building, such as year of construction, cost , and dimensions, and features historical footnotes about their construction. The art and architecture exhibit features historical and modern photographs. Each capital’s of government is also depicted in a contemporary painting by the Murale Création team of artists. The exhibition’s content, which aims to educate citizens and foreign visitors about the capitals of Canada’s provinces and territories, was developed by architectural historian Ms. Denyse Légaré in collaboration with Commission de la capitale nationale du Québec.

“Now here’s the deal…” WAC Bennett’s Political Cartoons

December 8, 2010 – January 23, 2011

Legacy Small Gallery

In 1993 the Kelowna Museum acquired a number of articles belonging to the late William Andrew Cecil Bennett, Premier of British Columbia from 1975-1986. Among the collection were a number of political cartoons collected by or gifted to Bennett during his time in office and that had been hung in his home’s stairwell.

In the late 2000’s the show of thirty-three framed cartoons and a 45-minute film, The Good Life (1968), commissioned by Bennett’s Social Credit government toured galleries around British Columbia. It accompanied the Architecture and Power: The Legislative Buildings of Canada’s Capitals show here at the Legacy Art Gallery.