Tag Archives: Sculpture

Teachers of Teachers: 30th Annual Art Education Faculty Exhibition

Bow Glacier, Bill Zuk

Bow Glacier, Bill Zuk

January 9 – March 17, 2010

Legacy Maltwood (at Mearns Centre – McPherson Library)

Curated by Dr William Zuk and Dr Robert Dalton

For the 30th consecutive year, the Art Education Faculty will display a rich and diverse collection of images at the McPherson Library Gallery at the University of Victoria.

The exhibit, with the largest group of contributors on record, will show the work from 22 studios of art educators who practice what they teach. The work comes from a range of backgrounds, from retired professors to masters students working as teaching assistants. On view will be themes capturing traditional and realistic perspectives to newer media explorations that are ephemeral and mystical.

Travels and Treasures: The Divine Inspirations of Katharine Maltwood and Treasures of the Turcomans

Turcoman embroidered textile, Iran, 1930s.
Turcoman embroidered textile, Iran, 1930s.

October 5, 2009 – January 30, 2010  March 5, 2010

Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery

Curated by Bryn Dharmarante and Marnie Malinda Mandel

View the online catalogue:

Travels and Treasures – Catalogue

This exhibition showcases striking Middle Eastern textiles by Turcoman artists and sculpture by Katharine Maltwood. Maltwood’s sculptural work was inspired by her Asian and African travels. Also explore the Japanese influenced botanical illustrations of Elizabeth Duer.

The exhibition complements two views on foreign travel; The Divine Inspirations of Katharine Maltwood focuses on the renowned globetrotter and artist Katharine Maltwood and her travels to Egypt and Japan in the early 20th century. Treasures of the Turcomans exhibits the jewelry and carpets collected from an expedition made through Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan in the 1930s.

Katharine Maltwood obtained numerous works of art and was moved by the rich religious histories in the two regions. The show includes photographs and key pieces of sculpture that she acquired while in Egypt and Japan.

Treasures of the Turcomans features The Gastrell Collection of jewelry, textiles and carpets made by nomadic women and acquired by a British diplomat’s family whilst living in Iran and Baluchistan (northern India/Pakistan) during the 1930-40s.

Cross Connections: Five Decades of Contemporary Art in the Pacific Northwest

James W. Felter, The Russian Panel
James W. Felter, The Russian Panel

January 6 – February 21, 2010

Legacy Art Gallery Downtown

Curated by Cindy Vance and Julia Hulbert

View the online catalogue:

Cross Connections – Catalogue

The University of Victoria’s Legacy Art Gallery and Café presents Cross Connections: Five Decades of Contemporary Art in the Pacific Northwest.

This exhibit features works from UVic’s newly acquired Coast Art Trust Collection. It includes works by the Trust’s founding members, James Felter, Kal Opré and Gregg Simpson, as well as works from each of the five decades represented in the collection.

UVic’s Coast Art Trust Collection comprises more than 100 works by 45 contemporary lower mainland artists. It includes paintings, sculpture, collage, mixed media and photography created in the latter half of the twentieth century. The collection represents a capsule history of Vancouver’s contemporary art scene from the 1960s onwards.

The Coast Art Trust Society recently donated this important historical collection to the University of Victoria’s Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery. The Society was formed as an artist driven enterprise to help preserve BC’s artistic heritage by assembling, maintaining and exhibiting visual art works and archival materials that document artistic activity in the Lower Mainland in the last half of the twentieth century.

MFA Visual Arts Exhibition

Allison Cake, Woodpile House
Allison Cake, Woodpile House

May 13 – August 16, 2009

Legacy Art Gallery Downtown

This summer the Legacy Art Gallery and Café brings a mixture of imaginative artworks from the studios of five young artists. Recently graduated MFA students Allison Cake, Katie Lyle , Shelly Penfold, Sara Robichaud and Ethan Wills share their top explorative pieces in their final thesis exhibition for the Fine Arts Masters program at UVic. The exhibit features a variety of works, from soapstone sculptures in the form of every day objects, to paintings of ghostly young women, to abstract wooden structures.

“Looking over these works, we see five artists committed in their disparate manners to a similar end: the creation of possible itineraries of the imagination. … A parallel universe, if you will, summoned forth from studio space.”
-Kitty Scott from Studio Space, UVic MFA 2009

Rebels and Realists: 100 Years of the Victoria Sketch Club

Max Maynard, Whiffen Spit
Max Maynard, Whiffen Spit

March 9 – May 29, 2009

Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery

Curated by Caroline Riedel

View the online catalogue:

Rebels and Realists – Catalogue

This exhibition celebrates western Canada’s oldest arts organization and features over 50 of the club’s best-known artists including Emily Carr, Josephine Crease, Sophie Pemberton, W.P Weston, Thomas Fripp, Max Maynard, Jack Shadbolt, Ina Uhthoff, Katharine Maltwood, Stella Langdale and Edythe Hembroff.

Borderlands: Liminal Treatmants of the Heart and Mind

Brad Pasutti, Tiempo Perdido
Brad Pasutti, Tiempo Perdido

February 6 – April 27, 2008

Legacy Art Gallery Downtown

Curated by Fran Willis

Borderlands: Liminal Treatments of the Heart and Mind features three artists – Ken Flett, Charles Malinsky, and Brad Pasutti – selected from the Michael Williams bequest to the University of Victoria. Although different in subject matter, the works of these artists all address a concern for the human condition. The narrative works are linked by their shifting treatment of space, time, and memory. Borderlands speaks of the liminal thresholds between fantasy and recall, present and past, heart and mind – the ambiguous spaces where these works reside.

The Lorenzen Mushroom Collection

Lorenzen, Alma & Ernst, Clitocybe Odora

Lorenzen, Alma & Ernst, Clitocybe Odora

Online Catalogue

The online catalogue for the Lorenzen Mushroom Collection is available here. It features a large image gallery of the ceramic mushrooms.

More About the Exhibition

This display is made possible through the generous donation of Mrs Margaret Vincent who worked in the McPherson Library, here at the University of Victoria, for approximately 20 years. She began accumulating these incredibly diverse ceramic ‘specimens’ from the Lorenzen mushroom collection during her frequent visits to their pottery studio in Nova Scotia.

Below is a selected gallery of the Lorzenzen, Alma & Ernst ceramic mushrooms. Click for larger sizes.


The Arts and Crafts Movement in Victoria, B.C.

Rookwood Ceramic Bowl, Rookwood Pottery, c. 1890

Rookwood Ceramic Bowl, Rookwood Pottery, c. 1890

Online Catalogue

The online catalogue for the Arts and Crafts Movement is available here. It features information about Rookwood pottery, Tiffany Glass Company and the Roycroft Institute, as well as an architectural tour of Victoria.

More About the Exhibition

In England and then America in the late 19th century, a middle class revolution occurred against Victorian values, industrialization and the mass production of low-quality products. Originally a British movement whose roots can be traced back to the early 1800’s, the social and moral preachings of people such as John Ruskin and William Morris in the late 1800’s influenced the burgeoning what would be known as the Arts and Crafts Movement.

Mythic Archipelago

June 2004

Legacy Maltwood (at Mearns Centre – McPherson Library)

Curated by Catlin Lewis

This exhibition featured works from Victoria’s Eastside Group. Marci Kanz contributed drawing and assemblage, Bill Friesen contributed sculpture and mixed media, and Joe Rosenblatt contributed drawing and painting.

My work explores the layers or personal history and emotional memory which combine to make us who we are.

-Marci Kanz

I believe for art to have vitality, it must be freely expressive.

-Bill Friesen

I make no distinction between creating visual art and writing poetry; for me, painting and drawing are just other ways of writing poetry.

-Joe Rosenblatt

Monochrome People in a Coloured Land

October 3 – October 30, 2003

Legacy Maltwood (at Mearns Centre – McPherson Library)

Sculptures, drawings and paintings by Kobita Sen, a B.C. artist originally from India. Her work is the manifestation of the process of uncovering an image and finding the essential underlying structure.

23rd Annual Art Education Faculty Exhibition

January 21 – February 13, 2003

Legacy Maltwood (at Mearns Centre – McPherson Library)

An exhibit of drawings, paintings, prints, sculpture ceramics and jewellery by the University of Victoria Art Education Faculty. Artists featured included Robert Dalton, Walter Dexter, Don Bergland, Bill Zuk, Helen Smith, Ron Smith, Kathy Collis, Caren Willms and Stan Horner.

Poetic Science in the Information Age

July 3 – July 10, 2002

Legacy Maltwood (at Mearns Centre – McPherson Library)

This was an installation exhibit by University of Victoria graduate student, Laura De Decker.

I challenge both the concept and conceived limitations of various media. The media that i work with include colour, data, computer technology, language, systems, and methods. At times what seems to be two distinct media merge into one or vice versa.

-Laura De Decker, 2002