October 6, 2007 – January 10, 2008
Legacy Maltwood (at Mearns Centre – McPerson Library)
In celebration of the new millennium the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artist Guild (CBBAG) put on two exhibitions in 2007-08.
A Book Arts Mosaic features 25 pieces by 38 Canadian book artists portrayed in media as diverse as handmade papers, wood, leather, cotton, and photographs. This group of work focuses on the ethnic and cultural diversity of Canada. The collection includes pieces which are delightful or beautiful, moving or inspiring, amusing or thought provoking, and in toto provide ideas and stimulation, suitable for a wide viewing public and for students and instructors. The collection was conceived to present the great variety of techniques and materials used by members of the Canadian book arts community. Included are examples of structures such as of accordian, tunnel, miniature, Coptic, Japanese stab binding, open lectern, and Chinese whirlwind books, as well as pamphlets and broadsides. Techniques include handmade paper with and without watermarks, calligraphy, blind tooling, incised decoration, paper decorating, letterpress, printing, linocut, hand printed lithography, xylography, wax resist, collage and many contemporary techniques and technologies such as machine perforation, polyester resin casting, digital printing on film, digitized photographs, offset printing, giclée printing and computer layout.
Participants in A Book Arts Mosaic include: Jocelyne Aird-Bélanger, Walter Bachinski & Janis Butler (Shanty Bay Press), Joe Blades, Ingrid Hein Borch, Sara Butt, Susan Carr, Stephanie Dean-Moore, Karen & Geoffrey Hewett, Susan Warner Keene, Trisha Klus, Clarissa Lewis & Lise Melhorn-Boe, Judy Martin, Anne Graham McTaggart, Cathryn Miller, Micheline Montgomery, Jane Morgan, Akemi Nishidera, the Ottawa Press Gang, Rob Richards, Anik See, Shelagh Smith, Peter Sramek, Ann Stinner, Judith Welbourne & Derek Chung, Robert Wu, Joan Byers, Dorothy Field & Virginia Porter.
Millennium in a Box features 35 Canadian book artists’ interpretation of where the new millennium may lead, whether technically, socially or personally, and where the book arts may go. This exhibit features a similarly wide range of binding styles including tunnel, miniature, origami and concertina books.
Participants in Millenium in a Box included: Tara Bryan, Linda Brine, Susan Mills, Robin E. Muller, Jocelyn Aird-Bélanger, Hélèn Francoeur, Reg Beatty, Sigrid Blohm, Wendy Cain, Ian D. Clark, Mira Coviensky, Rebecca Cowan, Marion Cox, Holly Dean, Lise Melhourn-Boe, Dan Mezza, William Rueter, Shelagh Smith, Ted Snider, Alan Stein, Don Taylor, George Walker, Mercedes Cirfi Walton, Janet Carroll, Larraine Douglas, Matha Cole, Kathryn Hamre, Kristina Komendant, Lindley McDougall, Carolyn C. Qualle, Brian Queen, Pamela Barlow Brooks, Dorothy Field, Derek Cowan & Priscilla Tetley, and Ann Vicente.