The University Collection

"The Red House" by Jack Shadbolt

“The Red House” by Jack Shadbolt

March 11 – April 15, 1978

University Centre

Curated by Dr. Gwaldes Downes and Professor Martin Segger

View the online catalogue:

The University Collection – Catalogue

The beginning of the collection were modest. On the initiative of Dr. W H Hickman, Principal of Victoria College, who made the first purchase in 1952, funds were set aside from the federal government per capita grant to post-secondary institutions, and a committee established to determine purchasing and exhibition policies. The fundamental aim of the committee was to enable students at Victoria College to be in constant visual contact with works of art as part of a continuing, though indirect, educational process. At the time, the early art works in the College consisted of a few small reproductions of Impressionist paintings and others owned by the French Department and the Library, along with miscellaneous material provided by the Faculty members who were personally concerned with enriching the background of all students by deepening their appreciation of the importance of the arts in man’s development.