Visual Inquiry: Research through Making

Alison Shields, Studio Archive, 2018.

April 13 – May 18, 2019

Legacy Downtown  630 Yates St. | Lekwungen territory

This 39th annual Art Education faculty exhibition presents the creative explorations of 19 UVic artist-educators, researching the relationships between the field of art education, their studio practice and teaching.

The BC school curriculum recently underwent significant change across all subject areas and grade levels. The new curriculum is in many ways modeled after studio art practice and focuses less on rote facts and more on “Big Ideas.” Through processes of inquiry, students are challenged to engage with core competencies of communication, creative thinking, critical thinking, personal awareness and responsibility, positive personal and cultural identity and social responsibility.

Each artist’s work can be viewed as research through making. Links are made between the craft, materials, concepts and philosophies of individual Art Educators and the “Big Ideas” articulated in the BC Art Education Curriculum. Viewers are invited to discover the patterns that emerge across the works of these creative colleagues that reflect directions in the field of art education that will prepare their pre-service students for the role of teaching in BC’s schools.

Opening Reception |Saturday, April 27 | 1-3pm

Legacy Downtown | 630 Yates St. |  Lekwungen territory

Join UVic’s Art Education Faculty for the opening celebration of their 39th annual faculty art exhibition.